Oregon State University has a number of resources available internationally and externally through its insurance companies. The resources include training courses, tip sheets, checklists, best practices, and more. All employees are free to use these resources.
Below is a description of the resources one may find on the insurance company websites. In some cases, one must log on with an account number to access the account holder resources. Where indicated, please click on the button for access to the Oregon State account code (users will need an ONID), which will allow you to access these resources.
United Educators
United Educators provides a myriad of training tools and resource guides. The resources and training tools available include topics such as Title IX, Campus SaVE Act, protecting minors, healthy relationships, alcohol awareness and prevention, and contracting fundamentals. OSU employees and students are encouraged to access these resources.
SAIF Corporation
SAIF has a number of safety resources available, which are organized by safety topic. Employees may find the some of the following resources helpful: Office Ergonomics, Personal Protective Equipment, Machine Guarding, Ladder Safety, Hazard Communication, and Forklifts/Powered Industrial Trucks. They also have a video library and free training. Some of the latest resources can be found on the Ergonomics page. OSU employees are encouraged to use these resources.
For more information, contact Insurance and Risk Management Services at (541) 737-7252.